New Items At Viking Liquor Reedsburg

What’s new in store for you!



White Claw GrapeWhite Claw Grape

Vizzy Cream SodaVizzy Cream Soda

Smirnoff Sunny DaysSmirnoff Sunny Days

Shaken Hard RefresherShaken Hard Refresher

Rule of FiveRule of Five

Modelo Agua FrescaModelo Agua Fresca

Lightstrike RefreshersLightstrike Refreshers

Austin EastcidersAustin Eastciders

Corona SunbrewCorona Sunbrew

White Claw ClawTailsWhite Claw ClawTails

Arizona LemonadeArizona Lemonade & Juice

Leinenkugels BarrelmanLeinenkugels Barrelman

Busch LightBusch Light Catch All 4

Blaque ChampagneBlaque Champagne

Miller & Coors 30pksMiller & Coors Light 30pks

Bud & Bud Light 30sBud & Bud Light 30pks

Viking Liquor Branded WinesViking Branded Wines

Can’t seem to find what you’re looking for?

We stock a variety of products so sometimes it gets tricky finding what you were looking for. First, please ask one of our staff for help.

If we do not currently carry it we’ll see what we can do about ordering it for you. We happily take requests.

Fill out the form provided here and someone will contact you as to the status of your request.

Please be as specific as possible i.e. brand, size, style, flavor, etc.
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